We're excited to update you on all the new ways we are supporting young people across the county!

April's Newsletter

A New Normal
A Message to our Partners 07.04.20


As with many organisations in present times, Young Somerset is adapting fast.  We may have temporarily closed our youth clubs, office bases and face to face services, but we are still here, working hard to put young people first. 

Over the past 3 weeks, all Young Somerset staff have transferred successfully to home-working.  We’re all available by phone or email and can meet “face to face” through our video-call technology.  We’ve launched several new initiatives, ensuring we continue to provide countywide youth services in new and innovative ways, and remain able to support young people through these most challenging of times. 

Take a read here...https://mailchi.mp/da5055067e6b/young-somerset-newsletter-april