This service is available through MHST schools for children and young people aged 5-16, providing low intensity CBT interventions and support to schools to adopt a Whole Schools Approach to mental health and wellbeing.

The Mental Health Support Team is a collaborative service delivered by Young Somerset and Somerset Foundation Trust.

Educational Mental Health Practitioners (EMHPs) offer short-term support to children and young people who are experiencing difficulties with things like anxiety, worries and low mood. EMHPS can help children, young people and their parents/carers to learn new skills to make changes and help themselves to feel better. Practitioners also offer support to parents/carers of primary age children up to age 12, through parenting and parent led Low Intensity Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (LICBT) is suitable for mild to moderate mental health needs and is different to counselling. It requires a degree of motivation and involves children/young people practicing skills outside of the sessions.

Educational mental health practitioners will carry out an initial assessment prior to treatment to see if low intensity CBT is the right support. If it is offered, interventions are weekly over 6-8 weeks.

The service is accessible via a request for help through the school’s Designated Mental Health Lead. If you are a young person/parent/carer and you are interested in receiving support, you can talk to someone at school about this. They will listen to you and consider if you may benefit from this service.

The Mental Health Support Team is available in primary, secondary and special educational needs schools in the Taunton Mendip South Somerset and Sedgemoor areas.  

Please see the link below for schools currently offering MHST services:

MHST Schools

For more information about MHST services please email:  [email protected] 

For Schools who are not part of the MHST service please see our Wellbeing pages for how we can help.

Click here for a downloadable leaflet about our service >>

Would you like to support our Mental Health and Wellbeing Team?

Any kind donations are appreciated and will make a massive difference to the lives of young people in Somerset. 

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Click here to find out more about donating to or fundraising for Mental Health and Wellbeing.