How We Use Your Data All personal data will be processed by Young Somerset (YS) and Somerset NHS Foundation Trust in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998 & 2018 General Data Protection Regulation and in accordance with Young Somerset’s and Somerset NHS Foundation Trust Data Protection Policy and Guidelines. Young Somerset and Somerset NHS Foundation Trust collect this data/information for the following purposes: Running and evaluating activities, including contacting you when necessary. Internal purposes such as auditing, evaluation, data analysis, preventing fraud and research to improve our service and customer communications. For funder/commissioners purposes on reporting who has benefited from working with Young Somerset. Medical information will be shared if this information protects the health and wellbeing of you/your child. Young Somerset and Somerset NHS Foundation Trust collect this data in the following ways: Consent forms, Registers, Session Evaluation Forms, Incident Forms, Surveys and Outcomes. Young Somerset and Somerset NHS Foundation Trust store this data securely both with hard copies and electronic forms. Young Somerset and Somerset NHS Foundation Trust will not hold your personal data for longer than is necessary (for children this is up to 25) for the above purposes We will not share your personal data with third parties unless legally required to do so. if you have any questions about our data protection policy/procedures, please contact us. Young Somerset and Somerset NHS Foundation Trust will hold relevant and pertinent information on the patient electronic records system. Data will be shared with internal or external agents including the University of Exeter for service improvement purposes and wider publication. Privacy Notice Data Protection Policy